no you don’t

no you don’t
understand what it feels like
to have the carpet
pulled out from beneath your feet
and to have nothing but wind
below you

if you are the wind beneath my wings
then i’m not sure i’ll ever stop flying
i paint by numbers
to keep on track
but you’ll never stop me
from breaking the rules

i don’t like rules
we don’t stick together
capitals don’t belong to me
punctuation can stay away
but i listen to your thoughts
and i’ll fit them in a poem


i can’t catch tears

i can’t catch tears
that fall in diagonal droplets
and if you were me
i think you’d struggle
to put up with this
level of life

can you call this a life
if you’re barely living, just surviving tear after tear
can you navigate me through this
i can’t see as rain droplets
balance on my outdated glasses, i struggle
to find something that pleases me

on dark october days, it’s just me
sat here in this building, what a waste of life
do you know the struggle
of learning to tie laces at 16 years old, tears
supply the droplets
that make this

writing paper go soggy, and all i need is this
peace so i can be me
the air is full of droplets
but you’ll never meet them all in this life
if i could make a picture out of my tears
it would be a collection of lines struggling

to meet in the middle struggling
to make it past this
finish line, a few tears
fall near me
but they’re not mine, they belong to this life
like all the other droplets

can you imagine what it’s like being a droplet
a lifespan that is nothing short of a struggle
but you provide meaning to everyday life
and that’s all you could want from this
but for me
i don’t want to hand out all my tears

i wish to float through life like a droplet
but it’s a struggle to control the tears
for me it’s a bad time

loneliness is still time spent with the world

loneliness is still time spent with the world
you may feel as though you’re stumbling in the dark
is this an empty
room or are my hands
full of dreams my previous shadows
left behind earlier

when they floated in the earlier
days it was a much quieter world
a calmer space for humans and shadows
to exist no one was afraid of the dark
to have the world in your hands
was a good sign so why do i feel empty

all the time, empty
words hang in the air from earlier
i try to hide my hands
from your view from the world
stage i wish to remain in the dark
away from prying eyes i belong with shadows

that can dance through skies and storms, shadows
can’t be scary when they’re just empty
figures if it wasn’t dark
you wouldn’t notice what you saw earlier
you think you can hide from the world
but it’s running to you with open hands

and you can’t escape a hand
that reaches out to hold your own, speak shadows
let your voice finally be heard in this world
do you ever feel you could shout to an empty
room but couldn’t speak to a single person earlier
that’s what the dark

does to you, you feel comfortable in the dark
no one knows you’re standing there playing with your hands
trying to stop the shaking that started earlier
would you notice if i took time to grow my shadow
you’re full of empty
promises and the world

gets dark earlier now
you don’t deserve half the world in your hands
you’re just an empty shadow

the windows tears

the windows tears
are met with cloud filled smoke
there are things i can only whisper
in the dark
my favourite lyrics fill my empty hands
i reach for my notebook
to fill out the rest of this land
i hang my coat on a hook that’s no longer there
like a welcome home sign
plastered on the roof
could guide me out of here


on the first day we met
i took shaky steps
to the station, i was scared
of failing, falling, loving
someone as great as you
then you took my hand

and said ‘me too’, my hand
sat alone until it met
yours, i became close to you
but we took baby steps
yet i knew i was in love
with you, and that scared

me, like a scared
animal afraid to take your hand
and commit to loving
such a beautiful soul, if i hadn’t met
you i’d be crawling around somewhere, steps
are hard to climb when i don’t have you

to hold onto, when i first touched you
a small scared feeling
climbed the steps
to my heart, but i squeezed your hand
and have every day since we met
been in love

if this is love
then i won’t let you
go, what did i do to deserve this meeting
i can’t say it’s not scary
to fall so deeply, but you handed
me your trust, and we step

together, we will always take steps
to avoid the world that spins around our love
and hands
were made to be held so you
should take mine
i whisper i’m scared

maybe we never held hands, what’s the next step
in this meeting, i’m ready to admit i love
you and i’m not scared